Friday, August 18, 2006

What a week...

This week has been crazy with speculation about increased wait times for referrals on the group sites. When we first started this process the wait time was an estimated 12-14 months. Now rumors range from 16-18 and 18-24 months from LID to referral. It’s enough to blow your mind if you start to think about it too much! Admittedly these rumors are not coming from CCAI but from people who are playing the statistics game. While I can see the validity of their calculations I just don’t believe it will go that long. There are so many factors involved, some of which we know and some we don’t, that I find it difficult to believe that there is any sort of reliable predictability at this point. In the past the wait times have fluctuated and most likely will continue to do so for any variety of reasons. Our CCAI Social Worker told us during our home study interview that CCAA had been to the States in April to meet with CCAI and a few other agencies. One topic of discussion was the increasing wait time from LID to referral. All parties involved agreed the wait time was detrimental to both the adoptive families and the children. Knowing about the conference leads me to believe that the CCAA move in July was a step in the right direction. Jack Song has apparently also mentioned to some that CCAA is working a plan to decrease this time as well. While the wait times may not go down right away I am hoping that they at least remain static until such a time that the “plan” can be implemented. Until then I will continue to pray daily for all of us in the process.

Hang in there!

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