Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tagged by Alicia...

Five Things I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:
1. Working at Chase
2. Looking for a house

3. Working at Chase
4. Working at Chase
5. and you guessed it, working at Chase!

Five Favorite Snack Foods:
1. Bread
2. Ice Cream
3. Chips and Salsa
4. Cheddar Cheese Combos

5. Sweet and Salty Chewy Granola Bars

Five Songs I Know All The Lyrics To:
1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
2. Itsy, Bitsy Spider
3. This is sad but I can’t think of one “Adult” song I know all of the lyrics to!


Five Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire:
1. Be debt free
2. Help my family be debt free
3. Help some friends be debt free (who would we hang with if we didn’t, lol)
4. Travel
5. Learn to play an instrument

Five Bad Habits:
1. Stay up too late at night
2. Eat way too many carbs
3. Worry too much
4. Being stubborn
5. Procrastinate

Five Things I Like To Do:
1. Hang with family and friends
2. Read
3. Go to movies
4. Get my nails done
5. Visit new places

Five Things I Will Never Wear Again:
1. Really high heels
2. Pantyhose
3. Blue eyeshadow
4. Bows in my hair
5. Really big earrings

1 comment:

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Okay, you and I should get together for chips and salsa and talk about how we are never going to wear blue eyeshadow again....:-)