Friday, May 07, 2010

And the count moves on...

It's been 3 1/2 years since we were logged in with the CCAA. At one point that number was inconceivable to me but now it seems like a drop in the bucket compared to how long it could be.

Today I feel like that crumbling paint in the picture. The wait combined with lots of other things going on in my life is making me feel old and worn down. So much time has passed and so many things have changed. For the first time I really wonder if we can stick it out. No, I have not given up the dream but somehow it seems that the dream is just a dream. Right this moment I can't picture the happy ending.


Angie said...

Kelly~Please keep holding on and please do dream about your happy ending. It is coming my sweet is coming. I never thought I would see the day when I would receive a referral call from my agency...but I did and you will too.
I am praying for you today...for your heart and for God to give you a sweet sign that lets you know that your daughter is out there...just keep holding on.
People told me throughout the wait that God's timing is perfect..much better than ours. I knew that and really wanted to believe it but I also wanted my daughter home THEN! I now know why the wait was four baby girl wasn't ready for me yet.
Huge(((hugs))) to you today.

Unknown said...

I wish I had words to comfort you, Kelly. I truly think of you often, hoping and praying for a change in this wait for you. You are so kind in how you celebrate referrals for others. With this last round of ladybug referrals, I have thought of you and Karmen. You have a big heart. Hugs to you my friend. I'll pray God grants you peace and discernment.

Christa Skanks Scott said...

Just wanted to know that you have been on my heart lately and I have been praying for you!!! I love u!

Christa Skanks Scott said...

Awwwww! I'm so sorry to hear that:( I did want to invite you and Matt to the wedding. I need your address. I would also like your e-mail! Mine is I think about you all the time. Looked for you on fb and myspace but no luck! I hope you guys will come to the wedding!!! xoxo

Pamela said...

I can't even begin to express how much I want you to have your dreams fulfilled. I can try to say all the right things, but I know my words will fall short of what will soothe your aching soul. I can't comprehend all that you are going through but I can only say what I see, and I see that you are full of life and have been a greater example to us all of holding on to a dream. I do think of you often and pray that God will keep the desire strong and the dream alive. Hold on tight to those promises from God.