Sunday, February 24, 2008

I've Been Tagged...

I've been tagged by Jessica. This is a book tag! I love to read although starting today most of the reading I will be doing going forward will be for school. Yes, I am torturing myself and taking the last four classes I need to complete my degree. Anyway, here it goes...

Here is how it works.
1. Pick the nearest book that has 123 pages.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next 3 sentences.
5. Tag 5 people.

The book that is the closest to me is, Double Cross by James Patterson (unless you count the text book I'm reading for homework).

The fifth sentence on page 123: "That was a relief to hear."

Next 3 sentences ~ "Thanks for saying that chief. I guess I'll keep offering, then." "Please do."

Hmmm...let me see, who can the next lucky tag victims be... I choose Angie, Robin, Ruth, Leslie, and Pam. Get those reading glasses on ladies, lol!

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